About Angela

I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY! It has always been my passion, my hobby, my talent. I love capturing life, you know the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words"? I have always felt that way. You should see my boxes a prints and slides. I have always had a camera on me, whether it was the last day of school, girls camp, or just fun times with friends and family. I'm not great with words, or putting them on paper, but, I love to journal through my photography.

In 10th grade, I learned how to develop film and prints in the darkroom, I adore being in the darkroom. I liked it so much that I spent the major part of my high school years at the tech school taking advanced photography and darkroom classes. My friends would think I was crazy but I loved everything about darkroom, including the smell (weird, I know). Now my computer is my darkroom, it is different, (no smell of chemicals) but, I still love looking at my pictures and watching magic happen, as I view and edit them.

This is my ealiest photo memory, this was taken May 1983, that would make me 2 yrs 4 mths old. My Mom had a polaroid camera. I can remember her taking my picture, handing me the print and explaining to me how it would take a minute to expose. I still remember being so in aww, it is crazy how vivid that memory is, my mom had a magic camera!!